10 Amazing Uses Of Toothpaste

1/Clean and polish silver jewelry:
Coat your  silver jewelry with toothpaste and leave them overnight. The next day wash with water and a cloth.

2/Relieve mild burns:
Apply a thick layer of toothpaste on the burn. Fluoride will help ease the pain and heal the skin.

3/Whiten nails:
To give your nails shine and whiteness, rub them with toothpaste, leave a few minutes then rinse.

4/Get rid of bad odors on hands:
You cut onions, garlic or fish and you can not get rid of the bad smell on your hands after that? Put a toothpaste nuts in your hands and rub for a few seconds then rinse.

5/Clean the tile joints:
Using a toothbrush, scrub the tile joints with toothpaste (white), leave a few minutes and wipe with a damp sponge.

6/Remove ink stains and lipstick:
Spread toothpaste on an ink stain or lipstick and rub well. Repeat as many times as necessary until the stain disappears.

7/Clean the sole of the iron:
Gently rub the sole of your iron with toothpaste and rinse with a clean sponge.

8/Reviving sneakers:
Rub the plastic parts of your sneakers with toothpaste to remove dirt and restore their normal brightness.

9/Remove traces of pencils on the walls:
Rub the traces of pencils with toothpaste and wipe residue with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat if nécessairy.

10/Repair CDs and DVDs scratched:
Spread toothpaste with your
finger on the reflective portion of the CD, leave 5 minutes and rinse then let it dry. Repeat up to no scratches.
