Tips For Wearing Your Tights Longer
- The hair spray: Spray your tights with hair spray before wearing them. Lacquer reinforces the mesh and neutralizes more static electricity.
- Sugar water: Wash your tight with hands and melt a bit of sugar in the last rinse water. Let them soak in the sweet water within minutes. They will be much more resistant.
- Wearing tights upside down: The stitches will be better protected and less exposed.
- Freezer: Place your tights in a plastic bag. Put the bag in the freezer overnight, before pull on the tights. The cold hardened the stitches and prevents them from spinning.
Also remember to erase and moisturize your feet, particularly the heels, as it is often calluses heels that damage tights and stockings. This will help you keep them longer.
If your pair of tights starts to get damaged, put a drop of clear nail polish on the mesh to prevent it from going further.
Beauty and Fashion