Using the refrigerator with the wrong habits.

The refrigerator is consider as one of the important household appliance in the kitchen. But did you know you may be doing this following mistakes as regards your refrigerator? Here's what these mistakes are about.

1. To much stocking and filling.
Stocking food in the refrigerator is not a good idea. To obtain the maximum benefit, it is necessary to leave some space between food to let the coolness reach to every food alike.

2. Opening the refrigerator and reducing heat.
You may be like some people who open the refrigerator door too much, that's the first mistake you make and this process leads to raise the refrigerator temperature. The second error may be to use when helping to relieve the heat in the refrigerator to offset or opening and closing the refrigerator door, but this is a bad thing, because it is detrimental to the existing food in the freezer when ice starts to form. The ideal solution remains moderate temperature and reduce the opening and closing the refrigerator door.

3. Putting hot food in the refrigerator.
Hot food in the refrigerator will lead directly to a food poisoning as will send these foods in the freezer overheating what encourages the growth and reproduction of bacteria and thus the occurrence of food poisoning when ingested. 

4. Not cleaned on a regular basis.

The refrigerator is always exposed to situations of chaos and leakage of food leads to make up of bacteria, so it is advisable to clean the refrigerator permanently and periodically in order to avoid these situations.

